Getting Your Facilities Management Autumn and Winter Ready

Essential Tips for a Smooth Season

As the cooler months approach, facilities managers face the annual challenge of preparing buildings and grounds for autumn and winter. The changing seasons can bring about a host of issues, from wet leaves and icy walkways to heating system malfunctions, making it crucial to proactively prepare. A well-maintained facility not only ensures the safety and comfort of occupants but also prevents costly repairs and downtime. Here are some essential tips to help you get your facilities management autumn and winter-ready and ensure a smooth season.

1. Conduct a Comprehensive Seasonal Readiness Assessment

The first step in preparing for autumn and winter is conducting a thorough assessment of your facility. This includes:

Inspecting the Building Envelope: Check for cracks, gaps, and any areas where heat could escape or cold air could enter. Pay special attention to windows, doors, and roofing.

Reviewing HVAC Systems: Ensure that heating systems are in good working order. Replace filters, inspect ducts, and consider having a professional conduct a maintenance check.

Evaluating Insulation: Assess the insulation in walls, ceilings, and floors to ensure it is adequate for retaining heat.

Checking Plumbing: Inspect pipes for leaks or weaknesses and ensure they are adequately insulated to prevent freezing.

2. Plan for Leaf and Snow Management

Autumn leaves and winter snow can present significant challenges. Effective management strategies include:

Leaf Removal Contracts: Secure a reliable contractor for leaf removal if you don’t have an in-house team. Ensure they are familiar with your facility’s layout and any specific requirements.

Snow Removal Contracts: If you don’t have an in-house team, secure a reliable snow removal contractor early. Ensure they are familiar with your facility’s layout and any specific requirements.

Salt and De-icing Supplies: Stock up on salt, sand, and other de-icing materials. Make sure these supplies are stored in accessible areas.

Clear Walkways and Car Parks: Prioritise keeping walkways, entrances, and car parks clear of leaves, snow, and ice to prevent slips and falls. Mark hazardous areas with warning signs as needed.

3. Prepare Heating Systems

A functioning heating system is critical for occupant comfort and safety. Steps to ensure your system is ready include:

Routine Maintenance: Schedule regular maintenance checks for boilers, furnaces, and heat pumps. Clean or replace filters, inspect thermostats, and ensure all components are working efficiently.

Backup Heating Plans: Have a contingency plan in place in case your primary heating system fails. This could include portable heaters or an agreement with a temporary heating service.

4. Insulate and Weatherproof

Proper insulation and weatherproofing can make a significant difference in energy efficiency and comfort:

Seal Gaps and Cracks: Use caulking or weather stripping to seal any gaps around windows, doors, and other openings.

Insulate Pipes: Wrap exposed pipes with insulation to prevent freezing and bursting. This is particularly important in unheated areas like basements and attics.

Install Storm Windows and Doors: If applicable, consider installing storm windows and doors to provide an additional barrier against the cold.

5. Emergency Preparedness

Autumn and winter weather can be unpredictable, so it’s essential to have an emergency plan in place:

Emergency Kits: Prepare emergency kits that include blankets, torches, batteries, food, water, and first aid supplies. Store these kits in easily accessible locations.

Backup Power: Ensure that backup generators are in working order and have enough fuel. Regularly test generators and educate staff on their operation.

Communication Plans: Develop a communication plan to keep occupants informed during emergencies. This can include email alerts, phone trees, or a dedicated emergency hotline.

6. Train Your Staff

Your maintenance team plays a crucial role in seasonal readiness. Ensure they are well-prepared by:

Providing Training: Offer training sessions on autumn and winter-specific tasks such as leaf removal, snow removal, de-icing, and emergency procedures.

Clear Responsibilities: Assign clear responsibilities to staff members so everyone knows their role during seasonal weather events.

Regular Drills: Conduct regular drills to ensure everyone is familiar with emergency procedures and can act quickly in a real situation.

7. Energy Efficiency Measures

The cooler months often lead to higher energy consumption. Implementing energy efficiency measures can help manage costs:

Energy Audits: Conduct an energy audit to identify areas where you can improve efficiency.

Upgrade Lighting: Replace older lighting with energy-efficient LED bulbs, which perform better in cold temperatures.

Programmable Thermostats: Install programmable thermostats to optimise heating schedules based on occupancy and usage patterns.

8. Communication with Occupants

Keeping building occupants informed about autumn and winter preparations and procedures is crucial:

Regular Updates: Send out regular updates about leaf removal plans, snow removal plans, heating schedules, and any disruptions to services.

Feedback Channels: Provide channels for occupants to report issues or provide feedback on seasonal conditions.

Safety Reminders: Remind occupants about seasonal safety practices, such as wearing appropriate footwear and being cautious on wet or icy surfaces.


Preparing your facilities for autumn and winter is an ongoing process that requires careful planning and proactive measures. By conducting thorough assessments, planning for leaf and snow management, ensuring heating systems are in top shape, and fostering open communication with occupants, you can create a safe and comfortable environment throughout the cooler months. Investing time and resources into seasonal readiness not only protects your facility but also ensures the well-being of everyone who uses it.

At Phosters FM, we specialise in providing comprehensive facilities management services to ensure your buildings are prepared for autumn and winter. Contact us today to learn how we can help you maintain a safe and efficient facility all year round. Let us handle the complexities of seasonal readiness so you can focus on what you do best. #reliabiltyasstandard #PhostersFM

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